Thursday, May 20, 2010


Jim Vance's Performance Engagement held at HI-TECH BIKES was a huge success!  (Original Post Here)  We weren't kidding about BYOC (Bring your own chair) as we were filled to capacity and a few dozen people were forced to stand!  Next time if we say, BYOC- we mean it!  We bring the Coach, Pizza, and Drinks- you bring the chair.  Comprendo'? :)

Jim has a unique way of explaining cycling technique and methodology, that is sophisticated yet easy to understand.  It's no wonder many claim him as one of the best coaches available in San Diego.

If you missed out on this session, then you didn't hear about one simple change in your technique that regularly provides a 15-40% MEASURABLE INCREASE IN  POWER ON THE BIKE.  Wanna to know what it is?  Well- you didn't attend, so now you gotta contact the man himself...   :)   JIM VANCE RACING

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Cross chaining, this is a short tip but very important.

Cross chaining is when you are in the big ring in the front and the big ring in the back. You can do it on some bikes, but look at what is happening with the chain. It will be bent coming off the big ring and bent coming off the back large cog causing it to wear really fast, not in length but it gets really sloppy and causes misshifts prematurely and can actually come apart causing an accident. Cross chaining is also done at the other end, don't go small/small. There are shift pins built into the large chainring in the front on the inside to help the chain jump up faster onto it, when you are small/small the chain will actually rub off the sharp points on those pins and will lessen the crispness of the shift as well as wear out the chain faster. Going small/small also makes the chain loose and when you hit a bump it can actually come off. Always try and stay in the mid gears and keep your chain as straight as possible, you can get much longer life from it and be safer too.
Ride Swift

7638 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, Ca. 92111
toll free 1-888-561-bike

Friday, May 14, 2010

Our newest advertisement in Competitor Magazine featuring Shane Buysse!  For $6 you get, HI-TECH BIKES T-SHIRT, HI-TECH BIKES WATER BOTTLE, AND STICKERS (while supplies last.  Offer expires 5-15-10)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

HI-TECH BIKES host Jim Vance FREE Performance Engagement! May 12th

Are you struggling to improve your cycling? Stuck in a rut? Do you want to become a more efficient and faster cyclist? Then this talk by Elite TrainingBible Coach Jim Vance will be one you won’t want to miss!

Improve Your Bike Splits and Performance! TCSD's May BYOC (Bring your own Chair) Event!

Topics to be discussed:
Generating more power! (What is power? What is a power meter?)

When: Wednesday, May 12th, 6:30-7:45 PM
Where: HI-TECH BIKES, 7638 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego 92111
Cost: FREE! Food and drinks provided!
Who: Anyone who wants to get faster on their bike
RSVP: Please RSVP to Orlanda Vance at

Food and drinks will be provided, and Hi-Tech will be running all sorts of specials on PowerTaps, Easton wheelsets and tons of other products! You will not want to miss this great event!

Hope to see you there!

Jim Vance

Our newest Hi-Tech Bikes Celebrity - Shane Buysee, Interview

For a young man that hasn't been Road Racing for very long- he's already been racking up accomplishments that make some of the Pros green with envy.  Shane Buysse, a scraggly, hip, young road rocketeer has aspirations to become a Pro himself.  Afterall, he's already beating a majority of the Pro's time-splits at all his races... so naturally, it's only a matter of time.

Here's an interview with the up and coming star, and his thoughts about Junk Food and Vampire movies....