Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hi-Tech Partners with TriJuniors

Hi-Tech Partners with :

Hi-Tech Bikes is pleased to have the opportunity to sponsor TriJuniors, the only youth triathlon development program in San Diego! Hi-Tech Bikes has partnered with TriJuniors to provide superior service and products to junior athletes just getting started in the sport of cycling and triathlon.

"TriJuniors is happy to partner with Hi-Tech Bikes as they understand the importance in developing junior athletes and assisting them with their equipment needs while continuing to provide quality service," states Coach Vance, Head Coach of TriJuniors. "We are excited about this partnership as Hi-Tech Bikes values the development of the sport at the junior level."

TriJuniors is committed to promoting and developing the sport of triathlon among high school age youth, in a team atmosphere, from beginner to elite ability levels, in San Diego County.
Athletes in the TriJuniors program build skills; learn goal setting and pursuing goals. With hard work and fun, young triathletes build a healthy lifestyle from their experiences in this positive environment for personal growth both in the sport, and in life.

To learn more about TriJuniors, please visit http://www.trijuniors.com/.

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